Friday 7 March 2025 Year 6 Learn and Perform a Shakespeare Play in a Day! This week, Year 6 had the exciting opportunity to work with a company called SPLATS to learn and perform Shakespeare's classic play, Romeo and Juliet. In just one day, the students worked hard to master their lines, stage directions, and characters, bringing the famous story to life in a truly impressive performance!The students showcased their talents in front Years 4 and 5, as well as their proud parents. It was a fantastic experience for everyone involved, and the Year 6 students did an amazing job, demonstrating teamwork, creativity and confidence. Well done to all the performers and a big thank you to SPLATS for making this experience so memorable.
Monday 3 March 2025 Year 4 adventures in Roman History and Cheese! Year 4 had quite a bit of fun this week. Firstly, they began their journey into the history of Rome by acting out the story of Romulus and Remus. Some were a bit nervous about getting up in front of the class, but you know what they say, when in Rome... Secondly, they got their hands dirty in science... investigating cheese! Mr Perna needed to make a quick cheese toasty for lunch, but only had 5 minutes to make it. Luckily, Year 4 were on the case to identify the cheese that would melt the quickest, using their knowledge of materials, so he could be back to class on time. However, after all their hard work, Mr Perna elected to simply eat ALL of the cheeses. How dairy!
Monday 3 March 2025 Exploring Rights Through Music South Grove's song 'Actions Speak Louder' featured in Unicef's Rights Respecting School Award newsletter which was distributed to the whole of the UK! Here's a copy of the print.
Monday 3 March 2025 4SH's musical journey to the Bell Percussion Warehouse On Wednesday, 26th February, Ms Forbes and the students of 4SH went on an exciting and immersive musical journey to the Bell Percussion Warehouse in Tottenham Hale. Bell Percussion work in partnership with the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) in supplying world class percussion to the major orchestras and musicians of the world. The visit provided the children with a unique opportunity to explore the vast world of orchestral percussion, gain insight into music-related careers, and even try their hands at playing professional-grade instruments.
Thursday 13 February 2025 Year 6 Celebrate Safer Internet Day 2025
Wednesday 12 February 2025 Year 5 explore the history of Space This week in Science, we learnt about Sputnik the Satellite that was sent into orbit 1957 by the Soviet Union to try and win the Space Race. Sputnik was launched into the atmosphere and orbited the earth for a short time. We tried to recreate our own Satellite entering the atmosphere. We had to throw our planes at the right speed to enter orbit or it either crashed back to earth or flew off into space to never be seen again. Many of us made it into orbit but sadly a few of us crashed back to earth.
Tuesday 11 February 2025 Year 3's Safer Internet Day 2025 As part of Safer internet day, we took part in a range of activities that gave us an insight into how to identify scams. We were really good at identifying the common errors that scammers use and how to spot them.
Tuesday 11 February 2025 4P's Safer Internet Day 2025 For Safer Internet Day, our Year 4 class has been phishing for knowledge about online scams! They've been learning how to spot sneaky tricks and byte back against scammers. From fake emails to bogus websites, our students are becoming scam-savvy and mastering the art of staying safe online. We’re so proud of how they’ve clicked with the lessons, and now they’re ready to surf the web safely, with their eyes wide open to the dangers!
Friday 7 February 2025 4SH Assembly- up Pompeii! Last Friday, we were treated to the glitz and glamour of another class assembly. This week, 4SH, directed by the expertise of Mrs Sandhu Hanif, took to the boards to deliver an epic about Ancient Rome. We were transported back to Ancient Pompeii and discovered the horrors that befell that once glorious city at the hands of Mount Vesuvius.
Thursday 6 February 2025 Year 2 visited 'The Monument' Year 2 had the fantastic opportunity and visited 'The Monument'. We climbed the 311 steps to reach to the stop and see the view of London. We got to see how in 1666 the fire covered London and to see where people had to go to collect water from the river Thames to try and put the fire out!
Thursday 6 February 2025 Chinese Lunar New Year Assembly On Thursday Ms Lee led the fabulous Lunar New Year Assembly to celebrate the Year of the Snake. This was led by Year 1 but there were some great contributions from other year groups. Children shared their artwork depicting the Year of the Snake then sang the song ‘Gong Hey Fat Choy’ to welcome in the New Year. The children explained how they had learnt the Chinese characters for numbers up to 10, how they had taken part in the traditional Dragon Dance and we all learnt about the delicious food that is eaten during the celebrations which made us all rather hungry!
Tuesday 4 February 2025 Year 5 practice CPR Last week, our children had an invaluable lesson on CPR using the Dr ABC method. They were guided through the steps of Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation, helping them understand how to react in an emergency.
Monday 3 February 2025 FAMILY LEARNING - Help your child grow and thrive!
Friday 31 January 2025 ?? Calling All Music-Loving Parents! ?? Do you play an instrument and have a little time to spare? We’re looking for enthusiastic parent volunteers to help with our lunchtime and after-school music clubs! Whether you play the recorder, drums, violin, keyboard, ukulele, or guitar, or another instrument, we’d love to have you share your skills with our young musicians.
Friday 31 January 2025 Guitar & Drum Lessons - Register Your Interest! Is your child interested in learning to play the guitar or drums? We are looking to recruit peripatetic teachers for these instruments, but this will depend on demand. If you’d like to see these lessons offered at South Grove, please email Ms. Forbes to express your interest. ????
Friday 31 January 2025 Year 6 Explore the Tudors Year 6 continued to explore their fasinating new Tudors topic last week in a very dramatic manner by re-enacting a divorce! The children were provided a short scene between the tyrannical Henry VIII and his beloved wife Catherine, exploring the complexity of the emotions between the two; using their own historical knowledge to get into character. First they simply read the lines out to one another and then they were allowed to include a singular chair as their prop to increase the tension in the scene using different levels and types of body language.
Friday 31 January 2025 Year 3's Stone Age Cave Paintings Year 3 have been exploring Stone Age cave paintings. We looked at the symbols and animals they drew and how they used line, tone and shape to create this images.
Wednesday 29 January 2025 Reception become firefighters! After our visit to the Pump house Museum, on Wednesday we were able to compare and contrast the fire engines from the past with fire engines from the present, as two fire engines and their crews came to South Grove. We met the firefighters who told us about the equipment that they use and then they let us have a go at spraying water from the big hoses and sit inside the engine. We were so excited!
Tuesday 28 January 2025 Reception Explore the History of Transport In Reception we are continuing to learn about TRANSPORT and had a very busy and exciting week. Last week we learnt that in the PAST, vehicles looked and worked differently. We found out about steam trains and horse and carts and we were fascinated how differently things used to work in the past compared to the present day. Some of the children made a time line ordering the types of vehicles from different time periods. Then each class visited the Pump House local museum to see some vehicles from the past, this included tube carriages, a Penny farthing Bike and fire engines.
Tuesday 28 January 2025 Year 3 Visit the William Morris Gallery On Thursday and Friday, year 3 enjoyed a trip to the William Morris Gallery. We explored the museum, drew ideas inspired by nature and learnt how to relief print. We will be putting our fabulous prints up on our corridor display for everyone to see.
Friday 24 January 2025 Year 5's Fantastic Anglo Saxon/Viking Assembly! On Friday, the school was treated to a journey back in time to the days of the Anglo-Saxons, courtesy of 5A. Mr Andrew's class brilliantly narrated how the Saxons replaced the outgoing Romans in Britannia and how their culture flourished.
Thursday 23 January 2025 Year 5 Explore Space Art You can imagine after the week year 5 had, we were due some down time. To ease ourselves back into school after our incredible night at the O2 we completed our art work based on artist Peter Thorpe and his space themed Art. We designed out foreground and background to make our images pop! Using pastels and bright colours, these will be on display shortly for all to see soon!
Wednesday 22 January 2025 A Night to Remember: Year 5's Young Voices 2025 Trip to the O2 Year 5 students at South Grove Primary School made history this week by attending the Young Voices 2025 concert at the O2 Arena. This event was a first for our school in many years, and it will surely be remembered as one of the highlights of the year.
Tuesday 21 January 2025 The Big Garden Birdwatch Mr Combe shared his love of bird watching with the children during whole school assembly on Friday. The children were really interested and, perhaps for some, their first time interest was due to the feathery friends we had visit us a week ago. They were a pair of Egyptian Geese who arrived on our playing field and were very happy to spend time with us all during playtimes and lunchtimes with a line of small humans watching, fascinated as the geese pecked at the frozen grass.
Monday 20 January 2025 Year 5 are Space Explorers! As part of our topic this term Space Explorers we are looking at the artist Peter Thorpe. He is an Abstract artist from America who specialises in Space theme art. We looked at some examples of his work and noticed he uses the foreground and back ground to help elevate his pictures. We then planned our own versions of his art work taking inspriation from his examples. Making sure we thought about what to put in the background of the image compared to the foreground. We want our rockers to stand out from the page in the foreground. We had to be sure our colours were not the same on our images as we do not want to the two sections of our picture to clash. We are looking very forward to putting these pieces together in our upcoming art lessons.
Wednesday 15 January 2025 Year 4 see the Lion King! This week, Year 4 (plus some guests) prowled into Central London to see the Lion King stage show! Most had never experienced anything like this before, but they'd be lion if they said they didn't have an amazing time! Unfortunately, we didn't get back to school until 6:30pm, so I suppose I'll have to train the kids to Mufasa on their feet...
Monday 13 January 2025 Royal Opera House's virtual opera and ballet workshops Our Year 4 and 5 students had an unforgettable experience participating in the Royal Opera House's virtual opera and ballet workshops, featuring Alice Through the Looking Glass and The Magic Flute. The children were thrilled to see professional ballerinas and singers performing live, inspiring them to try their hand at dancing and singing. They also enjoyed exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpses into the world of opera and ballet, learning how these magical performances come to life. It was a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the arts and explore their own creativity.
Monday 13 January 2025 Year 5 - What matters most to Christians and Humanists? This term in RE we are studying 'What matters most to Christians and humanists,'' To start off this topic we talked about our different rules for life and why they matter. As a class we came up with different reasons for why rules matter and who they help. We decided that rules are useful because they help us in our everyday to do the right thing and be safe. We also came up with new rules that if everyone followed them they would help us to have an easier life. Good rules we thought would be to be kind to one another, help each other out when they are struggling, have no war and only peace and we think one that might be a top favourite for some, shops have to give away free items to families once a week to help them.
Friday 10 January 2025 Year 6 make their own 'Green City'! Taking inspiration from London and Curitiba, Year 6 made their own ‘Green City’ with sustainable materials to show how to make urban living better for everybody! The children completed their projects at home as an ending to their topic in Geography. They are all fantastic and it will be very hard to choose the winner!
Thursday 9 January 2025 Year 4 explore the story of King Midas and the Golden Touch This week, Year 4 began their journey into myths by looking at the story of King Midas and the Golden Touch. As it's a dramatic story, we thought we Midas well act it out too! This is a great way to embed the story in their minds which will aid in writing their own versions of the tale next week!