Headteacher's Welcome
A very warm welcome to South Grove Primary School. Located in Walthamstow, East London.
Firstly, let me share that I feel very privileged to be the Head Teacher of a school that is full of happy, well-behaved children who are a pleasure to teach. We have extremely dedicated and support staff who work very hard to provide the best opportunities for all our children in the safe and nurturing school environment. Choosing the right primary school for your child can be one of the hardest decisions you have to make.
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Our curriculum
Curriculum Statement
& OverviewCurriculum Statement & Overview
At South Grove we value and welcome a strong home-school partnership and involvement. The children love to share and show their work that they have produced each term, and therefore we like to share our Curriculum Overviews for each Half-Term so that you are fully informed of what your child will be learning for the following Half-Term.
These will be published the latest curriculum overview for each Half-Term.
Art & Design
Art & Design
Art and design at South Grove Primary School intends to inspire and challenge children to be the artists of the future, through experimenting, inventing and creating their own works of art, craft and design. The art curriculum supports all children to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to understand the role of artists and to plan and create their own work.
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At South Grove, we aspire our children to leave primary school as confident, inspired and talented users of digital technology, with a secure understanding of the fundamental principles of computer science. Our priority is for children to be safe, responsible and discerning digital citizens who build upon computing skills for the future.
& TechnologyDesign & Technology
At South Grove Primary School, design and technology is an inspiring and practical subject requiring creativity, resourcefulness and imagination. Through the Design Technology (DT) curriculum that is embedded within the IPC curriculum, we aim to inspire children by teaching and learning about designers, chefs and architects to enable them to create a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products with a real life purpose.
Vision Statement
At South Grove, we believe that English and communication are key life skills. It is integral to fostering, within all of our children, the motivation to not only achieve, but to thrive, as readers, writers and orators.
Through our English curriculum, we help children develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to communicate effectively and creatively through spoken and written language equipping them with the skills to become lifelong learners. We want children to be capable and fluent readers and writers.
We believe that English is central to children’s intellectual, emotional and social development - it has a crucial role across the curriculum enabling children’s learning to be coherent and progressive.
Our goal is for every child to leave our school as empowered Geographers, recognising their role as future stewards of the planet. Through a dynamic and diverse curriculum, we create meaningful opportunities for students to explore, appreciate, and understand the world. We foster a passion for local communities and a global perspective through both classroom learning and hands-on fieldwork. We aim to cultivate not only a deep understanding of the world but also a set of skills and perspectives that will prepare our children to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world.
Our vision for history education is to create a dynamic and enriching learning environment where pupils not only accumulate knowledge but also develop the skills and enthusiasm to explore history independently.
By integrating engaging and effective teaching methods, meaningful examples, and a well-structured curriculum, we aim to inspire a lifelong love of learning and a deep appreciation for the significance of history in shaping our understanding of the world.
Vision Statement
The maths curriculum at South Grove builds and shapes our children to become life-long mathematicians who can think flexibly, work systematically and approach challenges with a growth mindset.
We empower our pupils with the skills, depth of knowledge and enthusiasm to solve problems both within Maths lessons and in wider contexts.
We seek to foster confident, proactive learners who possess the transferable skills and decision-making capabilities required to succeed in the education system and beyond, into adult life.
MFL at South Grove Primary School intends to inspire children to become the cultured Linguists of the future. Children are encouraged to explore culture through creative speaking and listening, reading and writing activities. Our ambitious French curriculum aims to ensure all children to flourish in their academic and personal development and prepare to be active and cultured citizens in the world.
Music at South Grove Primary School gives children the knowledge and understanding of different cultures, artists and exposes them to exceptional talents. We teach them to appreciate the uniqueness of all of our cultures and appreciate music from local, national and global communities.
We want our children to develop a respect for others cultures, gain an appetite for musical appreciation, be able to critique likes and dislikes and be able to celebrate the diverse community and world in which they live.
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is at the heart of South Grove Primary School with pupils developing knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
PSHE includes the compulsory subjects of Relationships and Health Education. Sex and Relationship Education is taught as part of our comprehensive PSHE curriculum. The scheme followed is called ‘1Decision’ and reflects modern society, with practical guidance and videos, assisting teachers in providing children with the high quality PSHE lessons they are entitled to, to be safer in an ever changing world.
Religious Education at South Grove Primary School gives children the knowledge and understanding of different religions traditions and worldviews. We teach them to appreciate the diversity of beliefs and values present locally, nationally and globally. We want our children to develop a respect for others beliefs and religions, appreciate, and celebrate the diverse community and world in which they live.
PE & Sport
PE & Sport
Our Physical Education and School Sport Curriculum at South Grove intends to contribute to the development of lifelong physically active individuals.
At South Grove, the children enjoy a broad and balanced PE curriculum. The curriculum we follow provides pupils with a variety of skills, including social, personal and physical skills, which enable them to move forward through their next steps in education and in life.
The EYFS curriculum at South Grove will deliver outcomes for children outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS Statutory Framework in a dynamic, engaging way that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of our children and our local community.
Our intention for all of our children in the early years at South Grove Primary School is to be able to learn in a safe, stimulating and happy environment where their ideas for learning are valued, celebrated and implemented.
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