Year 5
Year 5 Staff (ID 1194)
Mr Chris AndrewsClass Teacher 5A
Mr Chris Andrews
Miss Adriana GrantClass Teacher 5G
Miss Adriana Grant
Miss Sally Lovell YoungOn Maternity Leave from October
Miss Sally Lovell Young
Mrs Vatsla SharmaTeaching Assistant Year 5
Mrs Vatsla Sharma
Mrs Geraldine FowlerTeaching Assistant (Senior TA) Year 5
Mrs Geraldine Fowler
Welcome to Year Five!
We would like to take this opportunity to say hello and extend a warm welcome to the parents and children joining Year 5 this year. We have lots of exciting events planned and hope your children will share these with you on a regular basis. This year is a hugely important time in their school life. Being in UKS2, the children have a responsibility to the younger pupils. They will experience new opportunities and challenges throughout the year, both inside and outside the classroom. These will help them to develop and evolve both as learners and as the young adults they are blossoming into.
Curriculum Overviews
Overview - Year 5 - Autumn 2024 - 2nd Half Term - Anglos Saxons Vikings
download_for_offlineOverview - Year 5 - Autumn 2024 - 2nd Half Term - Anglos Saxons Vikings
- Overview - Year 5 - Autumn 2024 - 1st Half Term - The holiday show download_for_offline
download_for_offlineOverview - Year 5 - Autumn 2024 - 1st Half Term - The holiday show
Latest Year 5 News & Events
Wednesday 12 February 2025 Year 5 explore the history of Space This week in Science, we learnt about Sputnik the Satellite that was sent into orbit 1957 by the Soviet Union to try and win the Space Race. Sputnik was launched into the atmosphere and orbited the earth for a short time. We tried to recreate our own Satellite entering the atmosphere. We had to throw our planes at the right speed to enter orbit or it either crashed back to earth or flew off into space to never be seen again. Many of us made it into orbit but sadly a few of us crashed back to earth.
Tuesday 4 February 2025 Year 5 practice CPR Last week, our children had an invaluable lesson on CPR using the Dr ABC method. They were guided through the steps of Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation, helping them understand how to react in an emergency.
Thursday 23 January 2025 Year 5 Explore Space Art You can imagine after the week year 5 had, we were due some down time. To ease ourselves back into school after our incredible night at the O2 we completed our art work based on artist Peter Thorpe and his space themed Art. We designed out foreground and background to make our images pop! Using pastels and bright colours, these will be on display shortly for all to see soon!
Monday 20 January 2025 Year 5 are Space Explorers! As part of our topic this term Space Explorers we are looking at the artist Peter Thorpe. He is an Abstract artist from America who specialises in Space theme art. We looked at some examples of his work and noticed he uses the foreground and back ground to help elevate his pictures. We then planned our own versions of his art work taking inspriation from his examples. Making sure we thought about what to put in the background of the image compared to the foreground. We want our rockers to stand out from the page in the foreground. We had to be sure our colours were not the same on our images as we do not want to the two sections of our picture to clash. We are looking very forward to putting these pieces together in our upcoming art lessons.
Monday 13 January 2025 Year 5 - What matters most to Christians and Humanists? This term in RE we are studying 'What matters most to Christians and humanists,'' To start off this topic we talked about our different rules for life and why they matter. As a class we came up with different reasons for why rules matter and who they help. We decided that rules are useful because they help us in our everyday to do the right thing and be safe. We also came up with new rules that if everyone followed them they would help us to have an easier life. Good rules we thought would be to be kind to one another, help each other out when they are struggling, have no war and only peace and we think one that might be a top favourite for some, shops have to give away free items to families once a week to help them.
Tuesday 17 December 2024 Year 5 Feel the Force! The last week of term is finally here (cheered Mrs Grant and Mr Andrews) but first to learn some science. We had some fun filled days learning about different types of forces. We identfied such forces as push and pull and using new terms such as air resitances and buyonacy to describe an items forece. We measured objects weights and mass using Newton meters and to finish it all up we created some parachutes from plastic bags to test their air resistnace. To round out the week we also had Jolly Jumper Day and we turned up in our jolliest outfits ever!
Friday 13 December 2024 Anglo-Saxons and Vikings take over Year 5! What a day! Year 5 were nowhere to be seen for they had been taken over by Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Now not a worry it was a very peaceful day up in year 5 between the two tribes known for some awful activities in the past but this was put aside for today. The children worked beautfuly in their pairs to create a cam toy inspired by the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. We then showcased our outfits to the other classes, before we then came upstairs after lunch to design our our Norse God. A very fun day but I am certain Mrs Grant and Mr Andrews were happy to have their students back the next day.
Tuesday 3 December 2024 Year 5 Prepare for Anglo Saxon/Viking Day To prepare for our Anglo Saxon/Viking Day we have been looking at cam toys in Design and Technology. A cam toy uses hand-powered mechanisms to create cyclical motions that animate a scene. We have designed Anglo Saxon/Viking character/scenes to go on top of our toy. We looked at the different parts of the toy to understand how it moves where it turns rotary movements into linear motion, we have also looked at different cam shapes to help us decide which was our scenes will move. The shape of the cam effects the up and down movements it will make. Stayed tuned for the next weeks edition of the newsletter to see how our toys turned out
Thursday 28 November 2024 Year 5 discuss Human Rights To help us prepare for the whole school assembly on Human Rights. In year 5 we talked about the different Rights of a Child and what they meant to us. We discussed different rights and mentioned how they were rights that we needed and why they were good to have in the world. We then designed a symbol that depicted a Human Right and talked about what it meant to us. We believe in year 5 is that everyone should be recognised and treated fairly all around the world no matter where they are from or where they live.
Friday 22 November 2024 5G's Class Assembly The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here:
Tuesday 12 November 2024 Year 5 Study the Story of Beowulf This term in English, we have been studying Beowulf. Beowulf is story with Anglo Saxon origins from Denmark. It tells the tale of an awful creature names Grendel who terrorises the land. He causes havoc and chaos where he goes, Hrothgar the leader has built a massive Meade hall called Heorot. After Grendel has caused carnage, he looks to find a way to have all the madness ends. In enters Beowulf, a warrior who claims he will slay the dreadful creature. We did some role-play, acting out a scene with Hrothgar and Beowulf. We worked on our tone and sound of our voice to get touch with our characters. Take a look at the video to see some of this scene in action!
Monday 11 November 2024 Year 5 to Honour Remembrance Day This week in year 5 to honour Remembrance Day, we studied local naval soldier Jack Cornell, who was born in Leyton in 1900. We learnt that he was one of the youngest soldiers to take part in WW1. He was a naval solider and fought at the Battle of Jutland in Denmark on the ship HMS Chester, manning the guns on the ship. He was also one the youngest recipients of the Victoria Cross for his outstanding bravery in battle. Inspired by him receiving this award, we created our own medals in year 5 that we would award for good deeds, bravery, kindness, and many more.
Friday 18 October 2024 Year 5 explore the Landmarks of London London Landmark Projects are back again in Year 5! After all our research, our art work and our trip into London to see all these incredible landmarks we were definitely inspired to make these projects one of a kind! From the London Eye to the British Museum and even the infamous Red Telephone Box, the children have worked incredibly hard to make these stunning pieces! The children will showcase their projects next term and a winner will be chosen by each class, but the overall winner will be chosen by Ms Maltwood, I don't know about you but I surely don't envy being her when it comes to choosing one! Thank you to the parents for all your help to in creating these projects too! Can you work out which landmark is which?
Thursday 3 October 2024 Year 5's Annual Trip to North Greenwich!
Friday 27 September 2024 Year5 - Tiddalick the Frog This week we have been role playing the story of Tiddalick the Frog. This is s story from the dreamtime in Australia talks about how Australia got its rivers. The children worked together to choose which characters to be in the story and act this out. Using this experience we will soon begin rewriting the story changing up the characters and items that are in the original piece
Year 5 News 2023-2024
Friday 13 September 2024 YEAR 5 Learn about Fire Safety This week in Year 5, as part our PSHE curriculum, we have been learning about keeping safe with a focus on Fire Safety. We were lucky enough to have a visit from the education team from the London Fire Brigade.
Friday 14 June 2024 5G's Class Assembly Well, we certainly did go back in time during Friday’s class assembly. We entered the hall into a Victorian Classroom…..we had a whistle stop tour of life in Victorian times for children and adults.
Friday 24 May 2024 Year5 Visit the Ragged School Museum To complete our learning this term about the Victorians, this week, year 5 travelled back in time to Mile End 1874 to attend the Ragged School Museum founded by Thomas Barnardo in the late 1870s. Children took part in real life Victorian School lesson by teacher Miss Perkins, who told us to sit up straight and not slouch. Speak only when spoken to, to learn from our mistakes and commented on our impeccable handwriting. We also experienced a Victorian style kitchen/bedroom where sometimes up to 8 people would all sleep in the same room and all life would happen in this room. Sleep, eat and work! We could all agree we think school and our kitchens and bedrooms are a lot nicer today than it was in the time of the Victorians. We finished up our visit with a lovely walk down Regents Canal in the sunshine!
Monday 6 May 2024 Year 5 Adopt a Chef! Year 5 taking part in a special program over the summer term. Adopt A Chef is a charity based program run by the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts, which helps children to develop healthy eating habits and encourages an enthusiasm and interest in food, cooking, food provenance and sustainability, as well as giving an insight into the hospitality industry. So far each class has completed two sessions with Chef Tessa. She has taught us a few things already and we are very keen for the future lessons to happen. In our first session we had a variety of food to taste test (honey, chicory, rhubarb, lemon, samphire, bread and tomato). We used our senses to help work out if a food was bitter, sour, sweet, salty or umami. Do you know what umami is? We marked this on a image of a tongue to show where we felt these tastes. Some items were liked better than others. Our second session we took to the practical room and it was knives out! We had some salad products (lettuce, pepper, radish, celery
Thursday 28 March 2024 Year 5 - what have we been up to? Year 5 have been busy swimming for the whole of March so learning has been very disrupted. However, they have soldiered on through last minute changes and afternoon English and Maths lessons. A huge well done to all of the children in Year 5 for their superb progress in their learning. Certificates have all been handed out.
Tuesday 12 March 2024 Year 5's Science Day As part of Science Day, Year 5 took part in experiments all day following the whole school focus on ‘time’.
Wednesday 28 February 2024 World Book Day Stories The infamous World Book Day stories are back in Year 5! Excitedly Monday, the children in year 5 came up with questions about books for year 2. They interviewed the children about their likes and dislikes in books and what they would like a book to be about. Tuesday, their heads full of ideas the children sprang into action and began to plan their storybooks for the year 2s. We have footballs, unicorns and cats going on crazy adventures with some singers and princesses too. The rest of this week our author's and illustrators have been very hard at work to write, draw and put together their story. Year 2 get ready because we have some great stories coming your way!
Friday 2 February 2024 Year 5 Space Projects! It's that time of year again, for the infamous Year 5 space projects! Over the term the children have learnt a whole cosmos of information about the planets, the moon and our galaxy. The children thoroughly enjoyed working on their projects coming up with their own unique take on the solar system and more. Miss Young and Mrs Grant definitely have their work cut out for them trying to pick a winner...
Friday 19 January 2024 Year 5 are Learning About Space It's been a very planetary week this week up in year 5. We have been learning about the planets through Virtual Reality and making our fact file posters with our newly found information and created some eye catching art in the style of Peter Thorpe.We even pushed ourselves to create a mnemonic phrase to help us remember the order of the planets, such as ''My Very Excellent Mum Just Served Us Noodles''
Friday 12 January 2024 5G Create Roman CAM Toys We have been busy getting back into routine upstairs in year 5, so we thought we share with your incredible work we completed in the last week of autumn term. In the last week of term to finish off our work on the Romans we created CAM toys. These toys are made up different parts; a follower, a cam and a handle and a slider. The 'cam' is what gives our toys the up and down movement they have based on the shape. We used round ones, egg shape ones and tear drop ones. We worked in pairs to measure, saw and glue these items into place. We had to think about our follower and had to make sure they could be seen when moving. It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for all and we look forward to our future creations.
Thursday 9 November 2023 Year 5 Learn about Jack Cornwell
Tuesday 7 November 2023 Year 5 are Wild Eco Builders In Year 5 this week, we took part in a second virtual workshop led by the Institute of Imagination. The theme this time was Wild Eco Builders where we looked at how the science of nature can inspire us to imagine creative solutions when designing architecture.
Monday 6 November 2023 Remembering Shirley This week in year 5, to remember Shirley whose funeral was this week we created messages and memories about her. We placed these onto the memory tree in the school library. We thought of memories and kind words to place on the small hearts and decorated them with her favourite things; foxes and flowers. We took our time and had a quiet moment to remember her by the tree. Later in the playground at lunchtime we did a 1 minute silence in respect of her. The children shared very fond memories and not a dry eye was in sight.
Year 5 upcoming Events
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- Overview - Year 5 - Autumn 2024 - 1st Half Term - The holiday show download_for_offline