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South Grove Primary School

Special Resourced Provision for Autism

About the Provision

At South Grove Primary  School we have a provision for children on the autistic spectrum and children who have global developmental delay.  There are 16 places from nursery to year six.

The children follow the national curriculum adapted for their specific needs. They have a timetable that is adapted depending on their requirements.  All children are enabled to access the curriculum  at their level through differentiation and modified planning and assessment according to their abilities.

Joining the provision

All places allocated are by the SEN Team at Waltham Forest Council. Their email address is senteam@walthamforest.gov.uk

Your child will need an EHCP ( Educational Health and Care Plan) and a diagnosis of having a moderate need -  Autism and or Global Delay.

Each child will have an allocated SEN Officer to guide you through the process. If you are unsure of who that is,  email the SEN Team on the above email stating your child’s full name and email. ‘