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South Grove Primary School

School Lunches


Menu for Spring & Summer2024


 See more menus on the  Waltham Forest Catering website

Lunch Time

If your child is attending school full-time they will be staying for lunch-time. School lunchtime is a good opportunity for children to socialise with other children. Parents have the option for their child to have a school cooked lunch or provide a packed lunch.

Healthy Eating

At South Grove we want to help our children stay healthy and happy as they grow up. We want to help children lead a healthy lifestyle by offering healthy food choices at lunchtime.

You can find out much more about healthy eating at the Children’s Food Trust website.

School Meals

School meals are a really good way to be sure your child is eating a healthy and well-balance meal during the school day.

Our school lunches are freshly prepared and cooked on the school premises. They are nutritionally balance and within Government guidelines. Waltham Forest Catering’s school lunch bunch ensure that tasty school lunches, on average, provide one third of a child’s daily nutritional needs. Menus are prepared on a three week cycle and available from the school office.

To find out more about Waltham Forest lunch provision, please visit Waltham Forest Free School Meals.

Universal Free School Meals

From September 2023, all primary aged children in state-funded schools in England are eligible for free school meals.

Extra Funding for your child’s education

The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the achievement level of pupils. This means that the school will receive an additional £1,300 every year for six  years from the Government to support their education if your child would have been entitled to free school meals because of families income.

This money must be spent on your child, but it is for the school to decide how it is spent. Click on the following link to see how South Grove uses the pupil premium to improve achievement. Pupil Premiums page

We ask that all parents and carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 whose children attend South Grove to complete the Benefits Service Form, available from the School Office and return it to us. We will then be able to confirm throughout the year whether the school is entitled to the additional pupil premium funding for your child.

Please speak to a member of the school office if you need further information or support.

Packed Lunches

If a packed lunch is your child’s choice then we ask for parents to provide a healthy balanced packed lunch box.  Therefore, we request parents to avoid crisps, chocolate or sweets. Children should not have anything in their packed lunches that contain nuts of any kind. No sugary or fizzy drinks please, water may be provided from home or is available at school as this will help to keep them hydrated.

Try to ensure it is as easy as possible for your child to get through their lunch in the allotted time for example by peeling/chopping fruit in a small plastic tub; buy fromage frais and yoghurts in handy tubes. Provision of snack pots with various vegetables, crackers and fruit allow the children to build their own lunch.

There are lots of alternatives for healthy packed lunches and you can find out more from the Children’s Food Trust website.