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South Grove Primary School

The Nativity! 

The Nativity -- Dec2024

 Last week we were treated to two performances of Reception and Key Stage 1’s nativity.

The main characters did a fabulous job of leading the story line around each class’s song that helped to tell the story. Both the singing and signing of the songs were wonderful.

Reception children did a great job of their very first performance in front of large audiences of parents and carers.

Enormous thanks goes to Ms Forbes, Year 2 teaching and support staff who guided the story line of characters and all the staff that supported the children to participate so confidently and enthusiastically.   Well done to all!

This is what the parents had to say……….

Superb assembly.  Fantastic work by all of you, children and teachers.  Hats off to the lovely music teacher – well done all!

Well done.  Excellent – proud of school

Amazing spectacle – we really enjoyed it

Excellent show!  Everyone did so well remembering their lines, and singing and dancing **** 4 stars!!

Best Nativity eve!  The Year 2 kids performed the story amazingly and Year 1 and  Reception sang so well!

Can I take this opportunity, on behalf of all staff, we wish everyone a fantastic and relaxing winter break!