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South Grove Primary School

The Big Garden Birdwatch

Mr Combe shared his love of bird watching with the children during whole school assembly on Friday. The children were really interested and, perhaps for some, their first time interest was due to the feathery friends we had visit us a week ago. They were a pair of Egyptian Geese who arrived on our playing field and were very happy to spend time with us all during playtimes and lunchtimes with a line of small humans watching, fascinated as the geese pecked at the frozen grass.

Mr Combe shared which is his favourite bird, the Artic Tern, and why. The children were able to identify more common birds from the garden and also birds of prey.

So why spend time talking about our feathered friends? Well, the Big Garden Birdwatch is coming up…

What is Big Garden Birdwatch?

Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers like you take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.

The children were encouraged to take part between 24th and 26th January.

Here’s how to get involved:

To keep the interest alive with the children after this event, Mr Combe is intending to develop part of our Secret Garden creating an area to attract birds so that the children can continue to bird watch.

We are really all hoping that our Egyptian Geese return to see us…..