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South Grove Primary School


 Our whole school assembly on Friday, led by Year 4, celebrated Anti-Bullying Week and the theme was children making the right choices to Respect everyone. We were shown some really thought provoking video clips about making right choices and understanding what respect and bullying mean.
The children then shared what they had been doing in each Year Group.

Reception have developed a Kindness Box, they enjoy the feeling of being loved and helping their friends.

Year 1 shared their words of kindness and showered these literally over children in the assembly.

Year 2 shared a lovely poem based on the word Respect. It was spot on!

Year 3 made some effective posters for anti-bullying and respect. They gave out some really clear messages.

Year 5 cleverly gave scenarios of the right thing to do in terms of respect and the audience were able to select the right one!

Year 6 were lucky to be involved in live lesson taught by the BBC.

 The children love the fact that Respect is one of the school’s 4 R’s Values.  The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will begin their responsible role to support developments in the playground to ensure that RESPECT is at the forefront of every playtime.

The children finished the assembly with a lovely piano accompaniment to the song Titanium which the children really love.

Watch the Assembly Presentation


Here is what the parents had to say:

Great assembly!  Well done all years.

The assembly was great.  It’s wonderful to see how each different year groups are talking about the issues and choosing respect. And that song!!

Super Duper Wonderful Assembly!