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South Grove Primary School

1A ASSEMBLY – Food glorious food

Last Friday we were so lucky to see Year 1A 's assembly.. What a treat it was!! It all started with their own version of Handa's Surprise called Inayah's Surprise, adapted to our school in London, instead of fruits from Africa as in the original story.  The children then showed where the fruits are found on the map of the world. Mr Andrews is certainly improving our mapping skills! 

They then sang the Vegetable Dance - an amazing song that was full of movement and rhythm. Everyone loved it and the challenge is to sing this song next time you are grocery shopping. 😂

Then, following this, the children showed their Science learning with parents tasting different flavours of drink.  Sweet, Salty and Sour were a few words used to describe and some of their expressions were priceless!! 

The children showed their fabulous Home Learning Projects. We were so impressed with how they had created such lovely, researched and colourful work.  They also shared what they had been learning in Maths and a video was shown where the children were finding out what South Grove’s favourite fruit is. 

They then ended with a song about looking after the ocean - (Rights Respecting School). Children came up to me all day talking about this song and how much they liked it 

Way to go 1A! You were all fabulous.

Here’s what the parents had to say:

Spectacular! 1A put a huge amount of work into the assembly.  It was a joy to watch!

Better than Cats!

Fantastic 1A!  Informative, fun and joyful!

Report by Ms Spain