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South Grove Primary School

Year 1 to the Science Museum

Dear Parents and Carers,

 As part of our ‘What’s It Made Of?’ topic, Year 1 will be visiting The Science Museum on Tuesday 11th February 2025 where they will investigate different materials and visit the hands on gallery. We shall be travelling by public transport and will arrive back before the end of the school day.  

The children will need a packed lunch and a drink in a suitable container (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles please). As all children are entitled to Free School Meals this academic year, the school can provide a packed lunch if you wish.

Please complete this form to order a packed lunch and give permission:

If your child suffers from travel sickness, please let us know, and make sure your child takes whatever medication is necessary. If your child is asthmatic please ensure that they have a pump in school to take with them.

We will need parents to volunteer to accompany us. Please let a staff member know you’re available to help.


Yours faithfully,

The Year 1 Team

 For clarification:

Year 1 will be going on 2 trips in the Spring Term. 

1st trip in Spring Term 1, as above: Science Museum on Tuesday the 11th of Feb,  2nd trip in Spring Term 2, to the Discover Centre on Tuesday the 11th of March.

Please let us know your availability to accompany us on the trips.