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South Grove Primary School

Year 1 to the Discover Children’s Centre

Dear Parents and Carers,

To launch the topic “Stories People Tell”, both Year One classes will be visiting the Discover Children’s Centre in Stratford on Tuesday 11th March, where they will participate in the Monster Funfair Exhibition session.

The children will need a packed lunch and a drink in a suitable container (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles please). All children are entitled to free school meals so the school can provide a packed lunch if you wish.

We shall be travelling by public transport and will arrive back before the end of the school day.  

Please complete this form to order a packed lunch and give permission:

We need adults to help. If you are you willing to accompany us we will be asking you to be with a small group of children.  

We would like to ask you for a voluntary contribution of at least £6.62  towards the cost of the trip. Please pay this on ParentPay before 3 March.

We must also make clear that unless our costs are covered by the voluntary contributions, the visit will not be able to take place.

If your child suffers from travel sickness, please let us know, and make sure your child takes whatever medication is necessary.  Due to changeable weather please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and a coat.


Yours faithfully,

The Year 1 Team