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South Grove Primary School

Careers Week

We are hoping to hold a Careers Week from 17th to the 21st March in celebration of National Careers Week and culminating in Takeover Day on Friday 21st March when the children will apply to take over the roles of the adults in the school.  The purpose of this is to have a fun week with the children exploring their aspirations and dreams. It helps to promote the idea of having a good career. We believe that promoting a good career will help children understand the link between subjects, their skills and the opportunities that can arise from that.

What would be fantastic is to invite in parents or carers who would be able to spare an hour to come and talk to a Year Group about their career and the job that they do. The children would be able to ask questions that they have planned with their teachers beforehand.  These may link to their topics or just be a completely new experience for them.

We will send out a Google form very soon for you to indicate if you would be able to help during the week and to let us know the dates you would be available.

We look forward to hearing from you and are very excited about the week – the children have absolutely loved it the last couple of years that we have held it!